June 2013

For Immediate Release
I'm Alive. I Believe in Everything is nominated for the Atlantic Poetry Award. Read more.
October 2013
2013 Atlantic Poetry Prize Winner for "I'm Alive. I Believe in Everything."
Media Coverage
The Chronicle Herald - No finer Choyce
April 2013


Press Release​
That’s the title of Lesley Choyce’s 84th published book, now available from Breton Books. I’m Alive. I Believe in Everything is a volume of new and selected poetry written by Choyce over a forty year period. It includes his best poems from his previously published nine books as well as recent work and captures the spirit and vision of this Nova Scotia writer who has had a varied and exciting career.
The release of the book coincides with the inclusion of the title poem in a prestigious literary anthology published in the U.K. titled Anthologise. ( Sponsored by The Duchess of Cornwall and edited by U.K. Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, the book is designed for use in secondary schools throughout Britain.
In I’m Alive. I Believe in Everything Choyce writes about a wide range of subjects including war, peace, surfing, organic gardening, aging, seaweed, Halifax, Saskatoon, Glasgow, outhouses, cement mixers, crows, watermelons, mushrooms, geese, truth, lies and madness to name a few.
I'm Alive. I Believe in Everything.
Self. Brotherhood. God. Zeus. Communism.
Capitalism. Buddha. Vinyl records.
Baseball. Ink. Trees. Cures for disease.
Saltwater. Literature. Walking. Waking.
Arguments. Decisions. Ambiguity. Absolutes.
Presence. Absence. Positive and Negative.
Empathy. Apathy. Sympathy and entropy.
Verbs are necessary. So are nouns.
Empty skies. Dark vacuums of night.
Visions. Revisions. Innocence.
I've seen all the empty spaces yet to be filled.
I've heard all of the sounds that will collect
at the end of the world.
And the silence that follows.
I'm alive. I believe in everything.
I'm alive. I believe in it all.
Waves lapping on the shore.
Skies on fire at sunset.
Old men dancing on the streets.
Paradox and possibility.
Sense and sensibility.
Cold logic and half-truth.
Final steps and first impressions.
Fools and fine intelligence.
Chaos and clean horizons.
Vague notions and concrete certainty.
Optimism in the face of adversity.
I’m alive. I believe in everything.
I’m alive. I believe in it all.
For review copies, interviews or further information contact: Ronald Caplan, Breton Books
902-539-5140 or Lesley Choyce 902-827-4517
I’m Alive. I Believe in Everything. (ISBN 978-1-926908-17-5 $16) is available from Breton Books
(1-800-565-5140) and distributed by Nimbus Publishing (1-800-nimbus9)